Bulletin Board that I put up at work. It's supposed to be an incentive for reps to do better, but personally, I don't think it works. But it is fun to decorate the board,
Today I bought this new Red bull simply cola. I though what a wonderful idea, two of my favorite drinks cola and red bull. Then I finally tasted it and bad news it tasted horrible. yuck gross!! I will stick to just red bull the original.
Jim & Annie were sitting at the computer for a large part of the morning, playing with some game making software he has. She stopped, here, to blow some bubbles for a while, though.
Joe and Eric surprised Marla and I with tickets to see the Bodeans last night...We went to dinner before and celebrated Marla and Joe's upcoming birthdays and my "LAST" night out! Joe and I can't stop talking about how much fun it was! Thanks boys!