Tuesday, May 4

Janet May 4, 2010

On May 4, Janet sent out an email with many wonderful photos of Brady. Miranda suggested that I post some of them, since some people may not have received the email.

Welcome to the world, little human being!

Miranda May 4, 2010

I'm going to try and grow a mini garden this year. Maybe next year we will do a bigger one?

Maureen May 4, 2010

Annie needed a photo of me for some secret project she's doing at school. So, I took a bunch until I got one that I liked. Yay for digital cameras!

Marla May 4, 2010

I heard that this might be the last day that the ducklings are at our school. So, I had to get a picture of them swimming. We have a set of ducklings every year and one of the teachers always brings a kiddie pool in for them. The momma duck builds her nest and lays the eggs in one of our two courtyards. Then when they think the ducklings are big enough one of the staff members lead the momma and her ducklings through the school (after hours) and down to the river.