Saturday, November 7

Jen November 7, 2009

daddy is coming today so I styled James hair Just like Daddy's.

Marla November 7, 2009

It was a beautiful day. Cole played with some neighbor kids (Daniel and Natalie).

Allison November 7, 2009

Video game night. The girl on the right was a DDR-playing beast.

Maureen November 7, 2009

On our way over to Marla's house

Miranda November 7, 2009

I went to take a picture tonight and my camera battery was dead...What a bummer!

Betty November 7, 1009

Just got back from the Grand Ole Opry! (but couldn't get a picture without the head of the guy in front of me... I swear he was doing it deliberately. He was just fine if I didn't hold up the camera...)

Fun show, and I LOVED an a capella number by three of the Isaacs. Logging on now to buy their latest CD...