Today we got home at noon and then finished opening up James birthday gifts. We are all so tired. We were playing scrabble with Joe's mom and got addicted to it. so Joe went to the store and bought it for us and we played that for a while then went to bed early. It's nice to be home.
Dylan got his wisdom teeth out today. He was still kinda spacey on the way home but he wanted to talk. I kept telling him that they said that he shouldn't talk (because they wanted him biting down on the gauze to stop the bleeding). Finally I gave him some paper and a pen.
Took Bryce back to his dad and Granny today... Had dinner with Dick's brother Joe and his wife Cathy... Now we have no social obligations until we head back to Illinois on the 10th! Just me and Dick and Adam and the Blues Brothers!
Today, my Cub Scout Pack was presented with an award by the Mayor/Wizard, for having the best youth group/organization float in the parade this year. Good job, boys!