Monday, March 2

Miranda March 02, 2009

Hard day....we had to put Roadi to sleep..she is now in heaven : ( I'm really sad....I am grateful to have the support of my mom, dad and Joey who thought that I shouldn't be there as it is too much heartache. My mom has been the realistic one and I know that was a hard position for her to be in. I appreciate your love and never ending support mom. I will be missing Roadi....


Maureen said...

She was a good dog, well loved & with a wonderful, rich, full life.

Margie said...

Really sorry Miranda. We just had to put Nikki's 14 year old cat, Patches, to sleep last month. Such a hard decision to make. Like your mom, I had to make that decision. Very tough. May you find comfort in knowing that he is at peace now, and remember all the happy times. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, I am soooo sorry! I love you!

Anonymous said...

I so sorry but Roadi is in heaven with my little Chance. It's sooo hard to lose a dog, mine was like my baby. I still have great memories with him and videos I made of him. I would get a journal and write all your memories of her and have your mom and anyone who knew her and have them write there stories. It's really wonderful to read it when your feeling down. Funny things she did will always put a smile on your face. Again i'm sorry for your loss.