Monday, May 25

Margie May 25, 2009

Gabby & I went to a baby shower for Bonnie. I used to take care of Bonnie. And, Gabby spent the first 6 weeks of her life as a foster child in Bonnie's home. We found out yesterday that Gabby's very first name was Michelle!


donna said...

Oh that must have been cool/weird to find out! Funny they wouldn't tell you that at the time?

Maureen said...

How interesting! I never knew that you were close with her foster family. That's got to be so cool to know.

Jim had actually been adopted by (or was on his way to being adopted by) another family for 5 days, who then gave him up (we don't know why), which is how he ended up with the family that raised him (and how he ended up with the family he has now). I would love to talk to that first family some day.