Friday, September 11

Jen September 11, 2009

Today is Joe's Birthday!! We dropped James off at my mom's while we went to see a movie and ate dinner. I started not to feel well but I didn't want to ruin Joe's bday so I just let it go. but then my contractions were stronger and I got dizzy I called the doctor and he told me that if I have more than 4 contractions in an hour to go to the hospital. I went and my blood pressure was low and the baby's heart beat was dropping and they couldn't find the heart beat. The baby's cord was wrapped around her neck and my contractions were 2 mins apart so they gave me a shot to stop my contractions and started me on an IV and put my on oxygen to help the baby. Tons of nurses and doctors rushed in they almost did a c- section but then we were doing better but now I have to sleep in the hospital to monitor me and the baby.


Maureen said...

Happy Birthday, Joe!

But, not much of a birthday with all the scary things going on... How are you doing, Jen? Are you still in the hospital? ((hug))

Betty said...

Hope all is going better today! Please give us an update...

Jen said...

I'm not in the hospital anymore. I'm on bed rest at home.

Maureen said...

That's good!

Do the best you can to take it easy for as long as the doctor's say you should. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help ((hug))

Maggie said...

scary. so glad you went in to get checked out. take care of yourself!!!

donna said...

Oh my goodness-how scary! Happy b-day to Joe! And know that we are thinking of you!

Jen said...
