Tuesday, April 20

Maureen April 20, 2010

Today, we took Maggie with us on our walk. She does so much better on a leash than Charlie does. And, surprisingly, she seemed to enjoy the dog park, so we've decided to get dog park passes for both of the dogs this year.


Marla said...

huh?? you have to pay for a dog park?

Maureen said...

Yep - that's West Chicago for you :-) I think the pass fee helps pay for upkeep on the park & facilities. It's not much, so I don't mind

Marla said...

and then is there someone there to check your pass as you enter?

Maureen said...

No - it's on the honor system, for the most part. And, we can't get passes until May 1 for next year, so we've been taking them, anyway, these past few days, without passes.