Tuesday, July 13

Marla July 13, 2010

This picture is not very good but it's the story that goes with it that's interesting. On our way to karate tonight we saw a lemonade stand...I have a rule that when I see one I have to stop (I think it's cause when I was a kid no one ever stopped at mine). Well I went against my rule and we didn't stop. So, on the way home I saw this Koolaid stand. It was on a busy intersection (East Side drive and Division)...I thought that was kinda weird. But, feeling guilty about passing the other one by I was trying to figure out where I was going to stop the car to get out. As I got closer I noticed that the boy was about 14 or 15 years old but the kicker was that he was smoking. So, I didn't stop...in fact I turned around and drove past him again so that I could get a picture.


donna said...

Good choice, Marla. That's pretty ridiculous.

Colleen said...

I also try to stop at all lemonade stands probably for the same reason you do.

I wonder what that boy was smoking to think that people would want to stop at his stand? Or maybe he was given a dare by his friends?

Marla said...

I also wondered if it might be a dare.

donna said...

He has to make money to buy his cigs somehow!!!!