Thursday, January 10

Maureen January 10, 2013

maureen20130110d by gazoogle
When I called to get directions to my job interview last week, I was on break while working at Carsons, so I put the piece of paper in my little Carsons purse until today. Today, I grabbed the paper out of my purse as I was getting in the car to drive to the interview. This fortune cookie fortune was in my bag, apparently, left over from a food court lunch in the past few weeks. When I unfolded the directions at a stoplight to look at them, the fortune fell out onto the pile of spelling bee papers on the passenger seat. Hoping that it proves to  be true!


Colleen said...

I hope this for you too. How is the job search going for you and Jim?

Maureen said...

Things are going OK, so far. I've been hired at the census, but the work hasn't started yet. Just filled out the first part of my paperwork today. Have to finish the rest of it at home & online, then mail it in, then get background check... Then, eventually, find out when the training & work start. Even then, though, it's a 'temporary intermittent hourly' position. They can't guarantee 40 hours a week & work will end in September.

So, I'm still looking. But, had a pretty good interview, yesterday, for an admin assistant job at College of DuPage.

Jim had a few interviews a couple weeks ago. He got a call back on one this morning, saying "We're still deciding, but you got a really nice referral from [a school board mom we know who also works there]", so fingers crossed there.

Colleen - you should start looking around at what else is out there. I'll bet you could do better than what you have now.