Wednesday, March 11

Colleen March 11, 2009

Getting my teeth cleaned.

Maureen March 11, 2009

Follow up eye exam, tonight, to see how she's doing with the contacts. Had a tear in one. They replaced it for her & we ordered a 3 month supply.

Marla March 11, 2009

Having a few laughs at the bowling alley

Donna March 11, 2009

Awww...the bowling people (men and women's leagues) gave a shower for Joe and Miranda! So very nice! Now we need a baby!!!!

Jen March 11, 2009

James loves his football. We were playing catch! He just kept laughing

Margie March 11, 2009

Banging on it with a hammer didn't work.
/^ $$ ^\ (That's my money flying away.) :-(

Miranda March 11, 2009

My sweet husband brought flowers home for me!

Molly March 11, 2009

We are having very much trouble getting use to the time change. At least they moved from their beds to here. It's hard to believe that they need to be in school in less than fifteen minutes. And they made it, barely.

Donna March 11, 2009

Oops! This picture is from last night when I was stalking Marla,,,.
Actually I was coming out of the Dollar Store and saw her, so I ran in to catch Cole at karate practice. Isn't he cute! And who doesn't love the Dollar Store!