Thursday, February 2

Miranda February 2, 2012

miranda20120202 by gazoogle

Marla February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012 by gazoogle

New bulletin board

Andrea February 2, 2012


andrea20120202b by gazoogle

My Foggy Walk to the train this morning. (with & without flash)

Maureen February 2, 2012

maureen20120202d by gazoogle

We tried nopales (prickly pear cactus pads) with our dinner tonight. We had seen the chefs cook with them on Chopped a couple weeks ago and, then, I saw them in the grocery store today & decided to give it a try. They weren't bad, but I think I'll have to taste them a few more times, maybe prepared in different ways, before I can say that I really like them.