Wednesday, April 21

Jen April 21, 2010

Janet had the baby today. I felt like I was right there even though is was far away. She let me be on the phone to hear everything. when I heard the baby and everyone scream it was a boy it made me soo happy I cried. I really wished I could have been there. It was soo nice my Dad and mom were in the room with Janet and Ben to see the baby being born. I'm so happy I got to be a part of Baby Brady Gordon Schmidt's delivery.

Marla April 21, 2010

While waiting to get my hair cut today I was looking for a magazine to browse through. All that they had was haircut/style magazines and Men's magazines...boring!

Colleen April 21, 2010

Today was the last day of Religious Education (CCD) for the year. These are gifts that I received from my students.

Maureen April 21, 2010

Jim's just wrapping up his temp job with the census this week. I start mine on Saturday.

Betty April 21, 2010

Finally got to a doctor today... Good news! Same blood pressure and cholesterol meds plus water pills, aspirin and calcium... And the insurance covered all but $17.64. But still have HP/Agilent insurance. Wondering what Medicare will be like...

Miranda April 21, 2010

I met my friend Lori for her birthday today!

Margie April 21, 2010

This was my view for 2 hours and 15 minutes, waiting for the tires to get put on my car. I can't complain though, since the tires were a gift. And now maybe my car will hold up for a little while longer.