Wednesday, December 21

Jen December 21, 2011


jen20111221b by gazoogle

Today we finally got to see Joe!! He came home from deployment. We made a sign for him and they kids were so excited to see him. We even got interviewed for the news but we got bumped off once they got footage of the 1st open Gay kiss. Joe was almost the last person to get off the ship we were waiting in the rain and it got cold.

Marla December 21, 2011

December 21, 2011 by gazoogle

Vaughn went with me today to donate was his first time donating. Do you donate blood? Why or why not?

Miranda December 21, 2011

Miranda 12/21/11 by gazoogle

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Maureen December 21, 2011

20111221d by gazoogle

Annie is teaching Bryce how to play the cello