Wednesday, August 1

Marla August 1, 2012

2012-08-01_18-39-01_414 by gazoogle

Gianni and Gabe came to have fun with us tonight. Gabe followed Dylan around all night.

Miranda August 1, 2012

miranda20120801d by gazoogle

Gianni has been working so hard on his listening chart!

Maureen August 1, 2012

maureen20120801d by gazoogle

This little guy is in the crane machine at Bowling Green, where we went for the $1/game after 9pm special tonight. Does that '94 on his shirt mean 1994? Has he been in there since 1994? If so, Pixar should make a movie about his adventures, his struggles to stay safe, with some kind of moral, perhaps about his safety concerns keeping him from getting out in the world & really living.