Sunday, August 30

Jen August 30, 2009

James loves turning my ipod on.

Maureen August 30, 2009

Trying to finish the book she's supposed to have read this summer, before classes start

Miranda August 30, 2009

Today was Joe's moms birthday...we got her out of the house! And went to was a good night!

Marla August 30, 2009

Dylan and Dave (his roommate). They were heading back to their apartment and as Dave was pulling out of our driveway the brakes on his car fell apart. They ended up taking the train back and leaving his car here (his mom's gonna deal with it tomorrow).

Margie August 30, 2009

Waiting for a bedtime story.

Friday, August 28

Jen August 28, 2009

Today James turned 13 months old. Here he is in his new Fireman PJ's. He is coloring in his coloring book.

Marla August 28, 2009

We had a chipmunk stuck in our window well. I helped him out...after taking a few pictures.

Molly August 28, 2009

Stephen and his new bff.

Maureen August 28, 2009

Working together to create Alton Brown's "Good Eats" Meatloaf. From what everyone said, it turned out to be really yummy!

Miranda August 28, 2009

Andrea and Nathan preparing for their "I do's"

Margie August 28, 2009

Here is Nikki's new puppy. They got her Tues. night. Nikki spent the week here, so lucky me, I had the dog too - along with the little kitten that Nikki found and rescued. They went home tonight. I love animals, but I am all done with the potty training, etc.

Thursday, August 27

Jen August 27, 2009

I went baby clothes shopping I got some really cute things. I really loved these. I can't wait till James and his sister can wear this.

Maureen August 27, 2009

It's like an optical illusion... How many puppies do you see in this picture?

Molly August 27, 2009

Remember my photo on August 1st? Ya think this looks better?

Marla August 27, 2009

I just found out today that my gynecologist died on Monday. I had an appointment to see him on Tuesday. On Monday Eric answered the phone and the office was canceling my appointment and asked him to have me call back to reschedule. So, a few hours later I called to reschedule. They asked me if I'd like to set up an appointment with his associate. The receptionist was very vague and said something about a health related issue (I assumed that it was with his parents or something). I said "no" that I would reschedule with him a few weeks out...she said that they didn't know how long he'd be. So, I set up an appointment with the associate. I guess I made the right move. I am saddened at his loss.

Miranda August 27, 2009

Brendan had his first football game and WON!!

Sunday, August 23

Jen August 23, 2009

Today we went to a local restaurant. We wanted to try something different. Plus it was a nice day and we at outside by this fountain.

Marla August 23, 2009

Trying to get a good picture of all my boys when they are in goofy (but cooperative) moods was hard. We took 22 pictures all together. This was the best...even though they don't like it because they had their arms around eachother.

Maureen August 23, 2009

Exploring Devil's Cave at Red Oak Nature Center. Thanks for the idea, Marla August 2, 2009!