Friday, December 9

Jen December 9, 2011

jen20111209 by gazoogle

Tonight was spouses club Christmas bingo. I went with my friend they had free daycare and free dinner and yummy desserts and a chocolate fondue fountain! my favorite. Lots of chances to win but neither of us won. But it was a lot of fun and we also got a free cute ornament. And we got to take a pic with Santa! I love how they do all these free fun things for military spouses.

Marla December 9, 2011

December 9, 2011 by gazoogle

Cole with some friends at the middle school variety show.

Miranda December 9, 2011

365-II days 569 by gazoogle

Look what I made!

Maureen December 9, 2011

20111209d by gazoogle

First day of Spelling Club, today. Apparently, the spelling words that they were practicing were 'Bryce' and 'Annie is cool'.