Sunday, March 1

Donna March 01, 2009

Ok, I'm a dope...Could someone walk me through the process of leaving a comment? Thanks


Maureen said...

You're almost there!

Click on where it says 'Comments' (like you did to get this picture)

Type your comment in the big 'Leave your comment' box.

Where it says 'WORD VERIFICATION' (if it says that, it may not), type the word that appears above the box. (This keeps spammers from putting automated ads/comments on blogs)

Because you probably don't have a google id, blogger id or other OpenID, click on the circle to the left of where it says 'Name/Url'.

That will open a space to type in your name. You can leave the 'URL' field blank.

Then, click 'Publish Your Comment'


Comments are half the fun of blogs - both leaving them for others and getting them for yourself!

Margie said...

Yeah, it took me a while to figure it out, and I still don't know how I did it. I think you have to click on the blue "Sign up here." Then follow that - make up a username and a password. Once you're signed up, you can just go straight to writng your comments in the future.