Tuesday, March 31

Jen March 31, 2009

Visited Grandpa...


Margie said...

So....does that mean that a new baby is on the way? Very exciting!

donna said...

Tell us! Tell us!

Marla said...

Big Brother??

Maureen said...

Whoa - I just noticed that...

How awesome!!!


Jen said...

Thanks it took my dad a while to read the shirt.

Maureen said...

You're a sneak!!!

Wahoo!! He's going to love being a big brother & having someone to play with! How close will they be in age? Annie & Shel are 21 months apart & we couldn't be happier that they are best buddies (most of the time...)

Jen said...

Not sure yet. Just found out yesterday.

Betty said...

Very exciting!

Miranda said...

Congratulations! : )

Maggie said...

WOW! I didn't understand it at first either... CONGRATS! And what a cute way to announce the good news!

(J)Andrea said...

Congrats Joe, Jen & James! Looks like you will be searching for a new "J" name, might I suggest Jandrea, if it's a girl of course!

Jen said...

haha no actually we have a girls name already. If it's a girl plus we have to see if it's twins or just one baby. Twins run in our family since my mom is a twin.