Tuesday, April 14

Donna April 14, 2009

I hate to be a party pooper, but I have already got this game from 2 people. Might have to send somebodys back...I dont know if I can think of 6 people, let alone 12? And I dont want to ruin it..Looks like fun though


Maureen said...

My copy of the letter is sitting in my 'to do' pile on my kitchen table. I don't know if I can think of six people to send it to, either...

Betty said...

Don't send it to me. I love you all, AND I love scratch tickets, but I HATE, HATE, HATE chain letters and I will NEVER respond to any of them...

Maggie said...

Can't buy lottery tickets in Alabama (sad face)

Marla said...

Why, Maggie? Don't they have them in Alabama?

Betty said...

Nope. You have to drive to Florida. And the two times I've been in Florida with Maggie, she made us stop at this very awful gas station on the border to stock up on scratch ticets... [OK, maybe Dick and I stopped there a few other times too..]