Wednesday, April 22

Margie April 22, 2009

Today I had my first ever migraine headache. It started with seeing these zigzag flashes of light, and about 1/2 hr. later the headache came - right when I was in the middle of teaching and reading to the kids. Luckily Gabby was home and took over for an hour so I could lay down. I still feel weak from it. Does anyone else get these?


Anonymous said...

YES. I get awful headaches from time to time. With auras then major pain. At times my speech is involved and at times I have been paralized on the right side of my body. If I catch them early, right when the auras start, take meds and lay down in a dark, quiet room, I can usually make them go away before they get bad. Put no matter what the pain lasts at least a day or two. Real bad when ever I bend down or sneeze. There is no rhyme or reason why, when or how often they come. Sometimes I get a few a month and sometimes I get one or two a year. I have been tested for anurisms, but it was clear. No answers. I hope this was a one time thing for you. I also know that Colleen gets migrains.
~Molly (for some reason it will not post as usual)

Maureen said...

I get migraines, too - but no aura for me. Mine start with a tightness in the neck & shoulders, then pain behind my eyes. Mine are pretty obviously menstrual/hormonal, though (although it took me years to figure out that the weren't sinus headaches -and- to figure out the pattern).

I used to take Amerge for them, which worked well for a year or so, but seemed to be losing it's effect lately. At my last dr's appt, he switched me to Midrin, which I'm still not sure is working well (have only taken it a few times, now).

Mostly, it seems, it gets better when I drink lots of water, then take a nap or go to sleep for the night.

Anonymous said...

I've been very lucky about headaches in general... [knock wood]

But it anyone wants to know about "menorraghia" (crazy menstrual bleeding), I'm your poster child.

We should probably start collecting this medical history somewhere. It would probably help some poor medical student...

Margie, I hope your kids are taking care of you, the same way you always take care of them and every other child you meet. You deserve nothing less!

OK, this is Betty. Molly is right. I can't post any way but anonymously...

donna said...

I get them too but can usually head them off. I think stress might be a trigger for me? When it starts looking like a flashbulb went off in me face, I pop a pill for my nerves and an aspirin. (not doctor recommended but it seems to work)

Anonymous said...

I read about all of the triggers and have not been able to pinpoint anything. That day was no different from any others - drank the same amount of coffee, no more stress than usual. I don't know. At least now I know that if I see that zigzag light again that I had better take something - all I have around here is aspirin.

Oh, and I thought that I was the only one having the "anonymous" problem. Good to know that even the 'computer guru' can't figure it out.