Wednesday, July 29

Margie July 29, 2009

Dinner. Yum!


Maureen said...

When I saw your photo, we started talking to the kids about Dog 'n Suds, telling them how wonderful the root beer used to be.

Then, we found their website & saw that there's one near where we're going on vacation in Michigan! Hooray!

Margie said...

We are so lucky to have 3 Dog 'n Suds' nearby!

Betty said...

That same wonderful root beer would disolve the varnish on the picnic tables and the counter where we carhops had to put in orders. At the end of the evening, you had to actually peel your arms off the sticky counter and the scrub your arms to get it off... But it DID taste good... even then!

donna said...

And then dad would come to walk us home...all of 3 blocks! But we were HOT ya know!!!!! Shut up! We can hear you chuckling!