Wednesday, July 8

Margie July 8, 2009

My oven has been broken for a couple of months now. I finally was able to get a new one today. Can you guess which one I got? I was also trying to figure out how to put together a photo montage in the size of one photo, but finally gave up. While at the store, Jesse & Madi got silly and I have pictures of Madi in a bathtub, sitting on a toilet, and wearing a lampshade on her head. Good times!


donna said...

Glad they could make such a boring. costly trip into fun! We also are in bad, bad need of a stove! Maybe I should borrow them..

Anonymous said...

Margie, It looks like you picked out the same one I have. I hate it. Mine does not heat right, things on the bottom shelf always burn. And the whole appliance gets so hot when you use it that you can not touch the outside with out getting burned. I have to be very careful to warn the boys when it is on. I hope you do not have the same. ~ Molly

Margie said...

Yikes! I tried to pick a middle of the road one as far as price goes. They all were pretty much the same. I haven't used it yet. I'll have to make a point of cooking something today to see how it works.