Wednesday, February 3

Margie February 3, 2010


Crabby Aunt Betty said...

Either you are the "best grandma ever" or Madi is the "neatest kid ever" or both! I keep seeing pictures of a kid eating a Fudgesicle over white carpets and white bedspreads...???

Margie said...

With the number of kids running around here every day, I have given up worrying about spills and such. Madi has at least 2 fudgsicles every night -sometimes 3. Wish I knew her secret to staying slim. By the way, that footstool that she is sitting in and the red blanket on the floor were a gift from the adult exchange a couple of years ago. Best gift ever! Always use the footstool, and the blankie is the warmest ever! Thanks to whoever...