Monday, March 15

Colleen March 15, 2010

As Marla had said, we prebowled because of St. Patrick's Day Dinner. I think I would like to prebowl more often. I did well my first 2 games but since I was bowling one frame after another I guess my bowling arm got tired. I was below average the last game.


Miranda said...

Funny that you started writing Spoiled Rotten Kids...I also have done that! My mom and I were just talking about it when we pre bowled!

Marla said...

I'm not sure that I remember writing our team name down. And, if I did I'm sure that I wrote "Spoiled Rotten Kids"...oops, I hope that they figure it out. As for my scores-I got better with each game including the two that I bowled afterwards with Vaughn.