Sunday, April 18

Colleen April 18, 2010

I don't know what was worse, the garlic mustard weeds I started pulling in my yard or the slobs that I work with. Why would someone spill an iced coffee drink inside a building and not bother to bend over and clean it up?!?


Betty said...

Don't get me started! About 75% of the people on my floor are Indian guys who absolutely believe that some woman is supposed to clean up whatever mess they make. I honestly believe that they just don't see what they are even doing any more!

But I will NEVER understand how any woman can't notice that she hasn't flushed the toilet or, if she has flushed, that the seat protector still remains. Or that she has just dropped toilet paper or paper towels on the floor!!!

Damn! I better get my high blood pressure meds renewed quickly... [appointment on Wednesday..]

Maureen said...

I don't get it, either. Don't people realize that any mess they leave behind themselves has to be cleaned up by someone just like them, who *did not* make the mess? Do they think some magic fairy comes & cleans things up in the world?

And, the bathroom thing drives me crazy, too. I've asked people online "If you're one of those people who never flushes... Why?" And, the most common answer is "I don't want to touch the germ infested flush handle"... WTF? So, someone else has to do it for you? How would you feel if you had to flush after someone else before you could go? Use your foot then, or wrap your hand in toilet paper first. Geez...

Thus, my never-ending lectures to the kids about being responsible for themselves & the impact that they make in the world.

Margie said...

I'm a foot flusher, myself.

Colleen said...

Glad to see that this drives other crazy as much as it does me. Also glad that our parents gave us the tools to be responsible people.