Tuesday, April 20

Margie April 20, 2010

Changing my brake pads and rotors is not going so well........but, tomorrow is another day.....


Miranda said...

Are you doing this yourself?

Maureen said...

I wouldn't even know where to begin doing it myself! Hope today goes better

donna said...

Margie you rock! I pray that today works! Or that a kind neighbor volunteers to help!!!!

Margie said...

Yes, I was doing it myself. As I always say, you can learn anything on the internet. Well, almost anything as no where did it mention that the bearings have to be moved from the old rotors to the new ones. My friend's son, who uses my barn for his demo derby cars came by to put Jesse's ramp together. He showed me what was wrong and finished the job. Then he noticed that my tires were bald, so he went out to the barn and gave me 4 almost new tires. I can't even think about it without crying. I am so grateful.

Margie said...

And now I totally know how to change brake pads and rotors. Maybe I should start a side business.....

Miranda said...

I'm so proud of you! And that was super nice of him! You deserve it though because you are so nice (and do so much) for others! xoxo!

Betty said...

What a great guy! And you DO deserve it!!!

In the 1970's I changed the brake pads on my VW ONCE with the help of a friend, and then never once begrudged a real mechanic the money I paid him... It was a lot of hard work...