Saturday, April 17

Miranda April 17, 2010

This isn't the best picture - we've had so many robins in our yard lately. Gianni just loves it! He says "Birdie!" - atleast that is what we think he is saying! : )


Betty said...

One of my earliest memories is of Mom showing me a robin in the front yard of the "little house". But I must have been much older than G, because she showed my how to tell a robin from other birds. [now you've made me cry... what a Good Mom!]

Maureen said...

Oh - how sweet! Won't be long before he's talking up a storm. Listen to him & his point of view. Kids are fascinating!

Miranda said...

Ahh, now you both are making me cry! It is amazing watching him grow..believe me, I loved watching all of your kids grow and learn - but it's so much different when it's *your* own! : )

Thanks for sharing Betty...that is so sweet. I've been thinking a lot about grandma lately and how I wish she would have been able to meet Gianni...

We bought G a fish about a month ago and sadly it just went into fish heaven. G always ate his meals near the fish and would constantly say "fishey." So, now he says "fishey" and is looking for the fish...Gonna have to buy a new one!