Wednesday, May 26

Margie May 26, 2010

They were having a meeting because they heard that there were some Beanie Babies up in the attic and they wanted to figure out how they could ask me to get them down.

How could I resist after they held a meeting and all. Here are the 2 boxes of Beanie Babies that I pulled down from the attic. After looking at all of them, we put some back up in the attic, and Madi is playing with the rest. I figure that they never will really be worth any money, so she may as well enjoy them.


Maureen said...

Oh, what fun she would have playing with Annie, Shelby & Bryce for a day or two!

Maybe we'll have to have another sleepover soon

Betty said...

So cute!

Jim said...

I picture them saying "Let's close the factory, send the jobs to China and give ourselves a big bonus"