Tuesday, May 12

Margie May 12, 2009

My lilacs are smelling so good right now. Every time I walk by, I have to stop and take a big smell. The smell reminds me of May Crowning at St. Peter's and Memorial Day parades with the Girl Scouts - bringing bouquets of lilacs, tulips and Mom's irises from the side of the house - the stems wrapped up in wet napkins covered with aluminum foil.


Maureen said...

Such a pretty picture!

I love the smell of lilacs, too. We've got 2 big ones by the back door and I just added 2 in the front yard a couple years ago. And, the new neighbor planted 4 right over the fence between our yards last year!

Miranda said...

Great picture! What was May crowning?

donna said...

In Catholic school, we crowned a statue of Mary with a crown made of flowers. Usually a procession. and a song. I can sing it to you someday...?? haha

Anonymous said...

Immaculate Mary, thy praises we sing.......
I love that song!


Miranda said...

Maybe you can all sing it to me someday! : )

Maureen said...

Weird - just reading what Margie wrote of the lyrics brought it all back to me! Now, I'll be singing it all night!

Marla said...

They still do May crowning. It's always on the last day of religion class (CCD). Even though it almost always ends in April.

Anonymous said...

Our church does it in May, a week after First Communion so all the kids can participate and wear their fancy clothes again.


Betty said...

I actually got to do the crowning one year. I think it's in the movies somewhere... I just remember being shy and scared stiff and afraid of falling off the stepladder...